Monday, April 22, 2013

The End is Near!

Final Portfolio Requirements

Copies of each graded essay – (5 pts total)
1.   Descriptive
2.     Process Analysis
3.     Definition
4.     Cause and Effect
5.     Argumentative

If you’ve misplaced the copy I gave you with comments, simply write a ½ page discussion explaining in detail the revisions you’ve made.

Revised Copies of your essays – make suggested changes and any other you feel necessary (5 pts total)
1.     Descriptive
2.     Process Analysis
3.     Definition
4.     Cause and Effect
5.     Argumentative

Include a one page reflection on the course. Here are some questions you may choose to address in your response (5 pts).
  • What did you discover this semester about writing and the writing process?
  • How will you use this information in future coursework and your career?
  • Do you think the course was successful? What worked, and what didn’t? What could I have done better?
This will be due on Wednesday, May 1st. NO LATE WORK!

Note: We will have class on Wednesday, April 24th. We are primarily meeting just to hand back and discuss the argumentative essays, in addition to filling out evaluations. This will also be your last opportunity to turn in any missed essays (for half credit) and ask any last minute questions. 

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